“SecuriOT are specialists in cyber security for critical systems and critical infrastructure”
SecuriOT helps clients in the work-processes with OT-security. The security in automation systems is often bypassed with antiquated systems, faultily connected networks, insecure access points, and no OT-policies or -procedures, etc. We have great literacy in all of these domains and are an obvious partner in securing your OT.
Our work is based on OT-security recommendation from NIDT, ICES-CERTS, DHS, and standards such as ISA-62443 and ISO27001. Every client is different and requires unique dialogues and adaptations. We can help you through the entire process from Asset Inventory, Risk Assessment, Control Recommendations, choice of technology, the implementation of it, and much more.
SecuriOT Is a segregate company in the NOVOTEK-concern which enables unique counselling in relation to interconnected solutions in production- and automation systems with focus on the link between OT and security.
SecuriOT is a supplier under SKI and can provide consulting services, solutions and services for several of SKI’s agreements.
As an approved supplier, we meet a number of criteria within quality, environment and social responsibility.
Customers with access to SKI can trade with SecuriOT under SKI 02.06 and 02.07.

Management Team
Jørgen E. Hartig
CEO – strategic advisor and partner
Worked with security consultancy and -solutions since 1997 at KMD, TDC, IBM, Axcess, Ezenta, and NetDesign.
Worked as Trusted Advisor within a plethora of different security disciplines such as:
Risk- and security management, BYOD, SEIM, Virtualization Security, HTTP-security, APT, SOC-offers, Mobile security, and more.
Has great experience in business- and concept development at TDC, IBM, Axcess, and others.
Jørgen D. Jepsen
Senior Security advisor and partner
Has been IT manager in the distribution sector for 12 years and has worked with OT-security and risk assessments of ICS-systems the last 15 years.
Participates in a range of organizations’ determination of standards and guidelines, such as SESAM, and has an education in CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) and CISSP-student (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).
Great experience with leadership, project management, and risk assessments.